R4P News

Extension of registration to JÉR 2019

Registration for the two days of training and exchanges on resistance to plant protection products (JÉR 2019) is extended until noon on 6 March 2019. There are only a few places left, so register here as soon as possible. We hope to meet many of you in Versailles!

R4P News

The 2019 collaborative note on resistance management of sclerotinia on oilseedrape is online

This note, drafted by a working group of experts from Anses, INRA and Terres Inovia, reviews the current status of resistance of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to the main fungicide families currently authorised and makes recommendations for sustainable management to limit the risks of resistance evolution and maintain the efficacy of the available solutions. This note (in […]

R4P News

JÉR 2019: in Quebec too!

For the first time, the training and exchange days on pesticide resistance (Journées d’Échanges sur les Résistances or JÉR) will also be held in Québec on February 14 and 15, 2019. This Québec edition is made possible thanks to the collaboration with the IRDA (Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement) in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville. This […]

R4P News

Sustainable management of weeds

Gestion durable de la flore adventice Chemical-based weed management is being questioned just like intensive agricultural model. Under societal pressure, public authorities are encouraging the agricultural sector to develop more sustainable production methods that are not as dependent on herbicide use. This collective work explores ways of controlling and regulating weed that integrate all environmental […]

R4P News

Registration for the JÉR 2019 event is now open

Registration for two days of training and exchanges on resistance to plant protection products (JÉR 2019) is now possible online at the following address: https://colloque.inra.fr/resistances-pesticides2019. These days of exchange and training are intended for users and specifiers of plant protection products. They will take place on 14 and 15 March 2019 at INRA facilities in […]

R4P News

The 2019 collaborative note on resistance management of grapevine diseases is online!

This document (in French) aims to: 1) present the elements of a preventive strategy for delaying resistance selection, 2) describe the status of resistance in 2018 against the main families of registered active ingredients in the populations of Plasmopara viticola (downy mildew agent), Erysiphe necator (powdery mildew agent), Botrytis cinerea (grey rot agent) and Guignardia […]

R4P News

Offer for a M2/Engineer internship

Implementation of a companion modelling approach for collective and preventive management of the main wheat pests in Hauts-de-France Contexte général du stage : Les préconisations du plan Ecophyto et ses premières applications soulignent l’importance de repenser les logiques d’utilisation des pesticides. Dans un contexte de transition vers la réduction de pesticides, la sélection de résistances […]

R4P News

Post-doc offer in association genetics

Pathogenicity and fungicide resistance in Zymoseptoria tritici INRA is a French public research institution that focuses on issues related to agriculture, food and food security, environment and land management, with a particular emphasis on sustainable development. The Unit BIOGER gathers teams working on major fungal crop pathogens using pluri-disciplinary strategies from functional genomics, evolution and […]

R4P News

JÉR 2019: Save the date!

After the success of previous editions, R4P is pleased to announce the organization of the JÉR 2019, two days of training and exchanges on resistance to plant protection products, to be hold on March 14th and 15th, 2019 at INRA in Versailles. These days are intended for users and specifiers of plant protection products. Registration […]